RugDAO represents the heart of the RugRadio decentralized structure.

The DAO will store value created in the network and will house the governance of the whole platform.

The $RUG and $RDAO tokens are slow released over time. This means the DAO will grow slowly with them to ensure decentralization. A governance council will be created through a public election process. This council will represent the community for the first 6 months of the DAO.

The DAO is how the community hold long term ownership in the ecosystem. As the DAO grows bigger and more people join it, it will get more and more decentralized through time. We are putting 1,000 ETH into the RugDAO from the primary sales, in addition to 70% of ALL secondary sales profit.


Vick Wowo

Spencer Gordon-Sand

Ryan Beltrán


Patrick Wagner


Natasha Malhi

Naama O. Pozniak

Mike Kriak



Lori Grace



Kristina Flynn

Kimberly Dillion

Keyboard Monkey

Keith Grossman

John Swetnam

John Legere

Jessica Artemisia

Inna Modja

Erin McGean

Ed Balloon



Bern Dawler


Andy Lenz

Andre Fuks

Ami Muir




A community DAO with a mixed NFP/FP structure custom built by SyndicateDAO to meet the needs of a large community offering.

SyndicateDAO is revolutionizing investing by changing how communities and capital work together through accessible, effortless, and social web3 technologies.

Total circulation of 170,000 $RDAO Tokens
Holding 1000 ETH in assets on launch
Receives 70% of secondary NFT sales royalties
Caretaker of the RugBANK


RugBANK is a Sub-DAO of the RugDAO.

This means that The RugDAO will be the caretaker of the RugBank. The bank is the heart of the token rewards structure in the ecosystem. This is how we run programs like Learn to Earn and also how we reward the content creators within the RugRadio ecosystem.

The Bank is also the recipient of all the $RUG tokens that are swapped for utility within the ecosystem.

These $RUG tokens are then added to the pool that is redistributed throughout the ecosystem to members and creators.

The Sub-DAO that the RugBank sits within is created with a custom governance framework to ensure that, should there be any changes made to the Tokensomics structure, that is done so in a way that ensures that it’s not detrimental to the overall functioning of the ecosystem.

The merit of this framework is to create a path where the tokenomics structure can grow and change with the growth of the ecosystem, but in a way that is thorough and comprehensively aligns with the continued stability of the ecosystem.

RugBANK will hold 10% of all $RUG tokens.

RugBANK will accumulate a holding of 10% of all daily produced $RUG utility tokens which is approximately 4.3 million $RUG tokens/year.In addition, upon launch the RugBank will hold 1000 Member passes, and 1000 Genesis NFT’s. These tokens will be used throughout the ecosystem and rewards, gifts and incentives.


The peoples bank.

Total circulation of 170,000 $RDAO RugBANK will receive approximatley 4.3 million $RUG tokens/year
The Bank will also yield tokens from it’s holding of Utility NFTs
RugBANK will be governed by the DAO structure


Rug Radio is the first fully decentralized media platform.